Here at Tutorful, we are taking on fantastic new tutors all of the time! These tutors may not be as easy to find on the searches as they haven’t taught through us just yet, but there are lots of benefits to taking lessons with a new Tutorful tutor. We have created this FAQ to outline the positives of selecting one of our new tutors.
Some of the new features that we have on Tutorful include free video chats and lesson feedback. Free video chats allow students and tutors to speak about what you need from tuition and the tutor can help. This means that you can dive straight into full lessons from the get go! Lesson feedback is another vital feature as parents and students can get updates from the tutor after each session to help improve going forwards and assist with any potential homework.
Being brand new with us, these tutors are also more likely to have available time slots for lessons, meaning it’s often easier to get lessons booked in at a time that suits you both! They may also be able to be a bit more flexible if lessons need rearranging, or have more time to dedicate to their individual students than those with a fuller timetable.
Finally, you may find that new tutors are cheaper than those with more experience teaching through Tutorful, as many of our tutors prefer to set their rates lower while they establish themselves on our site. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ve got fewer qualifications or less subject knowledge than our more expensive tutors, so you’re likely to get more value for your money booking with them!
If you would like us to put you in touch with a new tutor let us know!
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