We do all we can to make it as simple as possible for you to book and pay for your lessons through Tutorful. Payment is completely cashless, so you'll never need to worry about having the right change!
Once you've found the tutor for you and have used the messaging system on the website to agree a time for your first lesson your tutor will book the lesson in for you. We'll then drop you a message asking you to confirm the session by entering your payment details on the website (you'll have up to 12 hours before the start time of your lesson to do this).
Don't worry - we never take any payment until 24 hours after your lesson has taken place. We only ask for your payment details up front as confirmation of your time slot. If you need any help confirming your lesson, have a read of this here or get in touch with one of our Engagement Team.
To make things nice and easy, you'll only need to confirm your very first lesson with a tutor. All future lessons will that same tutor will automatically be confirmed for you - we'll drop you an email reminder 24 hours prior any further lessons you have and a receipt 24 hours afterwards. You can manage all of your bookings from your dashboard or contact us for help. For more on payments, please click here.
We understand the value of booking a block of sessions - so do our tutors. It offers both parties peace of mind and affords structure for learning. If you would like to book more than one session, just let your tutor know and they will set up weekly or fortnightly lessons for you.
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