We know that everyone is different, and we know how important it is to find the right tutor for you! Sometimes you just know (y'know?) but sometimes you might need to get to know someone a bit more before you're ready to commit.
In that case, some tutors may be able to offer you a trial session before booking in regular lessons together. This gives you a chance to meet your tutor and get to know them and their teaching styles a bit better, discuss your learning goals and create a plan of action for future lessons. If you are interested in a trial session, simply message your tutor and ask!
Our tutors set their own rates, so the cost of a trial session varies between tutors. Some of our most popular tutors will offer a trial session at their standard hourly rate, and some tutors will offer a discount, with a minimum price of £5. Not every tutor will offer a discounted trial (many of our top tutors may not, as they can be in very high demand!) but all are happy to book in an initial, one-off lesson.
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