If you're a student looking to find out how much tuition costs through Tutorful, please have a look here for more information.
If you are a tutor interested in learning about potential earnings, please continue reading.
For tutors, using Tutorful is completely free. You have the flexibility to set your own hourly rate, which is paid directly by the student.
Tutorful does not take a commission from your earnings. Instead, we apply a service fee on top of your hourly rate, which is paid by the student. This fee helps cover the cost of using the platform.
The service fee serves as our primary revenue source, enabling us to continually invest in attracting new students to the platform. It also supports the ongoing development of tools designed to enhance the learning experience, such as our Tutorful apps and the online classroom.
When setting your fees, it's important to keep in mind that students will pay slightly more than your advertised rate due to the addition of the service fee.
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