Here at Tutorful, we are committed to protecting our tutors and have now added a Report a Student function to the site, helping our tutors feel safe and comfortable using the platform.
We monitor particular words and phrases across the site, which allows us to make sure that inappropriate or non-genuine requests never reach you. However, as we have thousands of conversations taking place via Tutorful every day, sometimes these messages can slip through. These instances are rare, but just in case you do receive something that you don’t think is quite right, it’s now easier than ever to let us know.
If you ever receive a message that you do not believe to be genuine, feel is inappropriate or just feel unsure about, please use the Report a Student function so we can take a look for you.
Reporting a student:
To report a student, you just need to go to your message thread with them on the platform. At the top of your messages, you will see an 'i' button - just click on this, and you'll then see a 'report student' option.
When you click this button, you will be prompted to confirm your report.
When you click the Report Student button, this will alert the Tutorful team to take a look at your message thread with the student on the platform. We will take the appropriate action or ask you for further information relating to your report. If you wish to provide further information before we reach out to you, please contact us here with any information that you feel is relevant.
To report a student through the app:
Go to your message thread with the student, click on the red Report button in the top right-hand corner and you'll be asked to confirm your report:
When you should report a student:
Reporting of students should only be done in certain circumstances as outlined below:
- If a student is using inappropriate, offensive or abusive language
- If you believe the message is spam
- If the student is attempting to recruit you
- If you have a concern for the student’s welfare
- If the student is asking you to complete work for them
Please do not use the Report function unnecessarily, for example, when a student does not attend a lesson. For this, or anything else, please contact our Engagement team by emailing
For more advice on staying safe while working through Tutorful, please click here.
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