We know that sometimes lessons don't go ahead as planned, and at times you may need to refund your students for sessions!
You can issue a full or partial refund for a lesson up to 2 days after a lesson has taken place - all you need to do is to go to your completed lessons, and click view lesson next to the one in question.
You will need to wait until the lesson has 'completed', as you aren't able to cancel lessons whilst they are due to be taking place, however as soon as it's finished and gone into the completed lessons section, you'll be able to take the appropriate action! If you're doing so within 48 hours of the lessons, you'll see the option to 'issue refund' - if you click this button, you'll be able to issue either a full or partial refund.
By default, the form will be set up to issue a full refund, so if you do need to refund the student for the whole lesson, you can just click OK to confirm this. However, if you do ever need to refund a lesson partially, just select the partial refund option, type in how much you’d like to refund the student, and then click the OK button to action this!
Once you’ve issued the refund, the student will get a notification to let them know that this has been done, and they’ll also get an email from our payment provider, Stripe, once it has been fully processed back into their bank account.
If your lesson was more than 2 days ago, just get in touch with our Engagement team, and we’ll be happy to help! 🙂
To issue a refund through our app, just click on the lesson and select Refund Lesson:
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