We know your time is valuable and how frustrating it can be to repeatedly message a potential student for the relationship not to result in a booking. That’s why we have developed a new feature to make the booking process fast, simple and instant! In this article, we'll cover some of the questions you may have about this new feature.
Why is this good for me?
When we looked into lesson bookings, we've found that when a lesson is confirmed in less than 24 hours after it’s requested, it’s 50% more likely to end up in a completed lesson. This means that with instant book, you can make more money!
Is this for both online and in-person right now?
Currently instant book is only available for online lesson requests, but we have plans to make it available for all lessons in the future.
Can I change my pricing?
Unfortunately there is no facility as yet to be able to do this. The price the student will pay is your advertised rate per hour or a proportion/multiple of if the lesson is more or less than one hour.
I’m full or want to opt out for the time being, what do I do?
We know that instant book is 50% more likely to result in a lesson booking from our research, so if you could give us some feedback as to why you are opting out, it would help guide us as we continue to develop and improve this feature.
You can opt out for the time being by contacting our Engagement team at support@tutorful.co.uk, or over our live chat.
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